Ilha do Pessegueiro Camping & Eco Hotel

Ilha do Pessegueiro Camping & Eco Hotel

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English is spoken | On parle Anglais
Terreno Plano | Flat land | Sol plain Terreno em Socalcos | Causeway land | Terrain chaussée Parque perto do oceano | Campsite near the sea | Camping près de la mer
 Pouca Sombra | Some shade | Un peu d'ombre
Lavatórios com água quente | Sinks with hot water | Eviers avec eau chaude
 Lava-loiças com água quente | Hot water dishwasher | Lave-vaisselle à l'eau chaise
 Lava-roupas com água fria | Laundry sinks with cold water | Bacs à laver du linge à l'eau froide
 Pontos para despejo de sanitas químicas | Chemical toilet discharge points | Points d'évacuation des toilettes chimiques Zona para lavagem de veículos | Vehicle washing area | Aire de lavage des véhicules
 Estação de Serviço para autocaravanas | Motorhome Service Station | Station-service pour camping-cars
 Posto de primeiros socorros | First Aid station | Poste de secours
Sanitários adpatdados para urentes com mobilidade reduzida | Toilets adapted for users with reduced mobility | Toilettes adaptées aux personnes à mobilité réduite
Parque infantil | Playground | Aire de jeux
Minimercado - aberto de 1/6 a 30/9 + fins de semana | Minimarket - open from 1/6 to 30/9 + weekends | Minimarket - ouvert du 1/6 au 30/9 + week-ends Restaurante - aberto de 1/6 a 30/9 + fins de semana | Restaurant - open from 1/6 to 30/9 + weekends | Restaurant - ouvert du 1/6 au 30/9 + week-ends Snack Bar - aberto de 1/6 a 30/9 + fins de semana | Snack Bar - open from 1/6 to 30/9 + weekends | Snack Bar - ouvert du 1/6 au 30/9 + weekends Bar - aberto de 1/6 a 30/9 + fins de semana | Bar - open from 1/6 to 30/9 + weekends | Bar - ouvert du 1/6 au 30/9 + weekends
Piscina para adultos e crianças | Swimming pool for adults and children | Piscine pour adultes et enfants
 Praia a 800m | Beach 800m | Plage 800m Canoagem a 800m | Canoeing 800m | Canoë 800m Pesca a 800m |v Fishing at 800m | Pêche à 800m
 Campo para jogos com bola | Field for ball games | Terrain pour les jeux de balle
 Organiza programas de animação | Organization of animation programs | Organisation de programmes d'animation
Farmácia a 3 km | Pharmacy 3km | Pharmacie 3 km Caixa Multibanco a 3 km | ATM 3 km Paragem de autocarros a 3 km | Bus stop at 3 km | Arrêt de bus à 3 km
 Bomba de gasolina a 3 km | Gas Station 3km | Pompe à essence à 3km
Aluguer de Bungalows | Bungalow Rental | Location de bungalows Aluguer de Bungalows | Mobile-Homes to Rent | Location de Mobile-Homes



Tabela de Preços


The park has a zone of flat terrain and another in terraces, intended for traditional camping, caravanning, apartments and bungalows. It is located a short distance from Pessegueiro Island, in the heart of the protected landscape of the Natural Park of Southwest Alentejo and Costa Vicentina, where it is possible to enjoy unique moments in contact with nature. It is this rugged coastline, dotted with small beaches hidden by the cliffs, that invites you to stroll, dive, “surf” or, simply, to rest. It has bungalows for 5 people and apartments for 4 people.

Gastronomia Região

Fish stew, grilled fish, seafood, seafood rice and monkfish rice.

A Ver

Ilha do Pessegueiro – 1 km
Badoca Park – 30 km
Roman Ruins of Miróbriga – 33 km



Estrada da Ilha 7520-Porto Covo


37.841559142724, -8.7827432155609


+351 269 905 178 – Call to the national landline network


964 192 544 – Call to the national mobile network



Entrada/Saída de Veículos

8h – 21h

Campismo: 2 Pax + Tenda
Caravanismo: 2 Pax + Auto/Caravana
Alojamento: Capacidade Mínima e Máxima

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